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camila! Omgosh!

Writer's picture: Ariane HundtAriane Hundt

Of course we always want to see changes fast, but when it comes to making changes that are supposed to last a life-time, it has to be a life-long effort. This realization is a big one for many who come from quick fix diets and 30-day programs. Yes, a juice fast for a week feels like you're putting massive action behind your goals and may make you feel in charge, but if none of it can be maintained and it means you're feeling deprived and one-sided, then what's the point? You don't expect to get a college degree in a weekend course, do you? 


I want you to meet Camila, another inspiring woman.  I met her in Central Park while we both were walking our dogs with our new babies. When she told me she wanted to lose weight and start running, I couldn’t help but tell her it wasn’t a good idea. 

She joined Slim & Strong a month later and the rest is history.

After five months, she is a different person inside and out as you can see. 

I always have so many new moms ask me if Slim & Strong is the right program for them and I can only say: YES!!!

I'll tell you more below, but first, I want to let Camila share her story: 

1. You've made quite the transformation in the past year. What has changed? 

Literally everything. At the beginning I had to learn how to dedicate time to myself,  even if it was 30 minutes a day. Listening to my body was also a huge change. There is nothing like being in tune with your body.

My diet has completely changed as well and I keep a clean diet free of sugar, very little dairy and carbs mostly from veggies. 

2. What are you eating in a typical day? 

  • I have my protein shake after my fasted morning exercise, usually around noon. I have late mornings. That fills me up, so I skip lunch.

  • Around 4pm I snack on carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, boiled eggs. It all depends how I'm feeling that day. If my exercise was more intense, I add some greens, such as spinach, kale, broccoli and protein from salmon, hummus,  mozzarella d' buffala.

  • When I walk a lot for my dog walking business, I simply increase the volume of these foods to keep my appetite in check.

  • For dinner I make cauliflower rice, salads and protein, such as grilled chicken, fillet mignon and salmon. I also love lean minced meats with different vegetables because it's super quick to cook, easy, tasty and it goes well with everything.

3. What's your workout routine? How much time do you spend working out every week? 

I would say about 10-30 minutes a day of strength training and walking at least 30 minutes a day, so about 6-7 hours a week.  I like doing my exercises at the gym because I get to leave my toddler at the child watch. I follow Ariane's workout schedule and do my 10-20 minute-long Slim & Strong video of the day, usually add another one of her 6-10 min videos targeting trouble zones, such as the butt, abs or arms and then go for a relaxed 30 minute walk.

If for any reason I can't make to the gym, which happens a least once a week,  I just do the workout at home or in Central park with my son and dog. 

4. How did you stay motivated to keep going? 

At the beginning it was the 'before' picture I took that motivated me to take action. Today the motivation is how great I feel. I see myself getting stronger and having more energy and clarity of mind and those are my boosters. Also, setting a good example to my son, husband and others that are amazed by my transformation.

I just love seeing people's face shouting: "CAMILA, oh my God!" 

5. How do you handle social situations/travel/going out/having a toddler running around now vs a year ago?

A year ago I would not care a bit about what I would eat or drink. I used to binge any time of the day or night. I felt tired all the time and a bit depressed, but felt it was easier to blame that on having a small child. Ugh!

Now I have a balance of food choices. I keep my cheat meals to special occasions. When I'm on the go I have my protein bars, raw veggies, small packets of my protein shakes and they help keep my appetite in check and stop me from binging.


I can assure you this woman has made this a lifestyle because I ran  into her in Central Park just as she was working out with her husband, toddler and dog, all with snow still on the ground. I mean - hardcore!!! 

I see so many programs out there for new moms that promise you the moon with crazy diets and workouts, but they can actually do more harm than good. Here’s what they won’t address (or know...):

1. After pregnancy, after delivery, the change in your sleep schedule and nursing demands, your body is reeling from stress for months. Yes, you are totally blissed out mentally, but your hormonal levels show a high of stress hormones and inflammation and take months to rebalance. It is crucial during this time not to push the envelope with severe approaches in diet, exercise and lifestyle, but focus on hormonal rebalancing. 

2. The name of the game is to rebalance your hormones with proper nutrition that ensures milk supply remains steady (you don’t need to eat those sugary oatmeal lactation cookies for that...) while allowing your body to drop body fat. Dehydration and stress are the two top factors affecting milk production. 

3. Workouts need to be short and effective, focused on rebuilding your core strength and boosting muscle. Skip those stress-inducing spin classes, HIIT workouts and CrossFit for now as they compound your internal stress and will make you hungrier, increase sugar cravings and can deplete you rather than energize.

4. Your schedule is not yours anymore, so working out an hour a day is not only unrealistic, but also counterproductive. You only need 10-20 minutes of strength training a day and lots of relaxed walking. Nap time is great for that or using the stroller walks as your walking/cardio time. 

5. After delivery, progesterone levels crash, while estrogen remains high. You may deal with thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, and even with the baby blues. You may also experience a drop in estrogen and night sweats as a result of hormonal imbalances. 

6. I consider pregnancy a ‘training period’ for being a mom. It is so demanding that you owe it to yourself to feel your best by the time the new family addition joins. You want to be able to devote the energy to your little munchkin and not struggle to get out of bed or find joy in this crazy new life as mom. 



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The online community we have is truly special and

will kick your little butt through the tough times. 




How does the program work? 

The program is set up like school.

Unlike most programs out there, this is not a one-size-fits-all program. You will get daily emails delivered right to your inbox that take you through the process of understanding fat loss nutrition, your unique metabolism, how to work with your hormones to maximize fat loss, how to rebalance them and learn about your special nutrition and workout requirements if you're menopausal, pregnant, a new mom, breastfeeding or have a damaged metabolism. You'll learn what workouts are right for your metabolism and which aren't, and we address and work through the most common mindset pitfalls that derail most people on a diet. 

Every Sunday you receive the week's cheat sheet with the workouts. You will access them as videos that can be done anywhere - at home, while traveling, or outdoors. Our private Facebook group allows you to ask questions and to connect to the rest of the awesome bunch for support and high-fives. 

I can't wait to work with you! 

Cheers, Ariane



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